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Ayurveda reveres the use of copious amounts of various oils. Common base oils include coconut, sesame, and ghee, and some medicated oils are infused with powerful Ayurvedic herbs to elicit specific effects. Ayurveda teaches that oil nourishes various layers of tissues of the body, and has a special affinity to soothe the nervous system.


Ayurvedic  Ritual Medley - 120 mins.   

This will give you a chance to try out some of our Ayurvedic services.  Medley includes an Abhyanga massage, Shirodhara, Padabhyanga, and a mini Ayurvedic facial.​​

Abhyanga - 90 mins.

Abhyanga is a rhythmic, full-body massage performed with warm, herbal-infused oils to pacify your dosha. According to the ancient teachings of Ayurveda, Vata, Pitta, or Kapha imbalance. Benefits of this style of massage include calming an overactive nervous system (counteracts the negative mental, emotional, and physical effects of stress), promoting healthy circulation, and lubricating/nourishing the joints & and skin. In this therapy, Herbal oils are rubbed into your body with specialized strokes and Marma point pressure. This is not your regular type of massage! It is deeply relaxing and very rejuvenating to all the tissues of the body.  With the combination of herbal oil, and Infrared sauna the herbal oil gets further absorbed into the body and heals. Two Therapists massaging you, at the same time to feel amazing.  Advance notice is required for two therapists and is at an additional cost.  

Mukha Abhyanga Facial - 80 mins.

Skin is Cleansed, Herbal powder is used to deeply exfoliate the skin and then followed by  Mukla Abhyanga (facial massage) with Kansa Wand. According to Ayurveda, massage is essential to maintain the health of the skin and for anti-aging rejuvenation. Our focus with this session is to nourish the face with specialized Ayurvedic oils & and botanicals gently massaged with rhythmic techniques that reduce stress, increase circulation to the tissues of the face, promote lymphatic drainage, and reduce tension held in the facial muscles due to stress. The numerous marma points on the face are stimulated. Then a Brightening mask is applied. Clients can expect to leave feeling a deep sense of calm with a healthy natural glow.

Shirodhara - 90 mins.    
Shiro" means head and "Dhara" is the continuous flow of a liquid. In this process, warm herbal oils, buttermilk, or decoctions are poured in a slow steady stream on the forehead. Shirodhara is a continuous pouring of warm oil in a slow, steady stream on the forehead. Our treatment combines several Ayurvedic bodywork techniques to prepare the body and mind for the gentle pouring of the oil which pacifies the nervous system, promotes a deep sense of tranquility, and improves mental clarity. Best for inducing a meditative state, relief from insomnia, and reducing anxiety.

Shiro Abhyanga  (Head Massage) - 45 mins.

With focused attention to the neck, shoulders, and scalp, Ayurvedic techniques quickly release tension to provide relief from headaches and accumulated stress. Herbal oil is massaged rhythmically into the scalp to stimulate the hair follicles, increase circulation, and promote lustrous hair.  Please plan your day accordingly as you will leave with oil in your hair. The longer the oil remains in contact with your hair and scalp, the more noticeable the results will be.

Udvartana 60 mins.

An invigorating massage with botanical powders will stimulate the lymphatic system, reduce excess kapha and cellulite, and aid weight loss when combined with a healthy diet and exercise. Udvartana stimulates circulation resulting in improvement in skin texture, and stimulates muscle tone. Benefits – Those clients seeking to lose weight, reduce cellulite, or tend to retain fluid. Signs of excess kapha include muscle pain and stiffness, excess mucous, lethargy, and weight gain. Contraindications – Frail Clients, women who are menstruating or pregnant, those with sensitive/easily irritated skin, kidney disease, those undergoing chemotherapy, or who have had lymph nodes removed.

Padabhyanga  45 mins.

Our signature combination of Ayurvedic massage techniques & and kansa vatki to the lower legs and feet releases tension and eases foot pain, stimulates reflex and marma points, and increases circulation. Padabhyanga is best for those clients with sore, tired feet


After booking please download this form and complete it before coming for your appointment. Otherwise please arrive at least 10 minutes before your appointment to fill out the necessary forms. 

  • Vata
    Vata governs all movement – voluntary and involuntary physical movements as well as thought and mind movements. Imbalance in Vata can cause a fidgety mind and body and is associated with insomnia. Vata-types are “like the wind,” they can’t sit still, and jump from topic to topic quickly. They may also worry or become prone to mood swings, are often cold, tend to be slim and fine-boned, and have variable hunger, but can get cranky or anxious if they forget to eat.

  • Pitta
    Pitta is associated with heat and keenness of mind. Pitta-types tend to overheat easily and tend towards redness in skin when irritated. They like the best of the best, are very intellectual, prefer details about new topics, and are very results-oriented. Pitta types tend to be of medium build and strong-boned, and can become irritable or prone to angry outburst when stressed.

  • Kapha
    Kapha’s unique quality is density; they tend to have dense tissue and are heavy-boned and curvy. They gain weight easily, are slow to lose weight, and NEED movement and activity to lose. Kapha personalities are quiet, careful, deep-thinkers, and can be prone to depression. They are intrigued by tradition, are slow to change habits. They benefit from routine but also from excitement, challenge, and getting out more.

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